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Shared Ownership and Stamp Duty explained

Shared Ownership and Stamp Duty explained

Shared Ownership and Stamp Duty explained Buying a home is hands down one of the most significant financial decisions you’ll ever make, and if you’re considering a shared ownership property, getting your head around the costs involved will help you make an informed...
Source of funds

Source of funds

What is source of funds? Why am I asked for bank statements?   Why does your Conveyancer want so much detail regarding the origin of the monies you invest? It feels intrusive Pay slips P60s Self employed accounts Current account statements Savings Statements Evidence...
Property Market Update – Feb

Property Market Update – Feb

It’s positive news in conveyancing currently,  we are seeing a really busy,  upbeat property market and enjoying a really busy start to 2024… January witnessed a upswing in market activity, with the average number of new prospective buyers soaring by 120% from...
Why is it important to make a will?

Why is it important to make a will?

Why is it important to make a will? It is important for you to make a will whether or not you consider you have many possessions or much money. It is important to make a will because: if you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how the money,...
Moving Home Checklist

Moving Home Checklist

Moving Home Checklist, plan your dream move! If all of your belongings could magically appear in a new home without any stress or sweat on your part, you’d move in a heartbeat and wouldn’t it be fantastic!! But actually, the moving process can be less of a chore...